If your Syngonium is not spreading and growing well, then follow these handy tips on how to make Arrowhead Plant Bushier and Full to ensure it stays lush and looks green all the time!

Check out the benefits of growing Arrowhead Plant here

How to Make Arrowhead Plant Bushier and Full

1. Cut Stems and Propagate in the Same Container

If you have a plant in a medium-size container, then you can snip away few stems from the plant and propagate them in the same container. As the plant grows quite easily from cuttings, they will soon become new plants, populating the container, making it look bushier and full!

This is one of the easiest ways to make Arrowhead Plant Bushier and Full!

2. Use a Stake or a Moss Pole

A metal stake within the pot will keep the plant ‘contained’ in the container, eliminating it from spilling out. This will keep the stems densely packed together, making the plant appear more bushy and full.

Similarly, using a moss pole is a great idea to give Arrowhead the support it needs. The stems will tangle themselves on the pole, making the plant look bushier over time.

3. Prune and Pinch

To promote bushier growth, do some light pinching and pruning regularly. Take shears and cut off long stems growing outwards. Always cut the vine just above or close to the leaf.

If you have a big arrowhead plant, trimming from time to time will make it dense. For small plants, pinching will be a nice option. If the plant is not showing new growth and turns leggy, cut back the stems either by pinching or pruning up to one or two nodes.

4. Use Epsom Salt

If your plant has dull and yellow leaves, it may be due to a lack of chlorophyll. Epsom salt contains sulfur, which helps in chlorophyll production and makes the foliage greener and fuller.

The brown and dead spots caused due to magnesium deficiency on the leaves can also be treated by Epsom salt.

Tip: Mix a teaspoon of Epsom salt in a gallon of water and spray this solution on the leaves.

5. Use the Right Potting Mix

The right potting mix will do wonders for the plant’s growth, making it lush and beautiful. For the arrowhead plant, one part each of garden soil, sand, vermicompost, and coco peat. This will ensure that the roots get all the nutrition they need for fantastic growth.

6. Fertilize the Plant

As long as you are using a good quality potting mix, you don’t have to feed the plant much. However, fertilizing it once every 4-6 weeks will give it a needed boost, making the foliage green and lush. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to ½ of its strength.

Note: Skip fertilization during late fall or winter as it’s a dormancy phase (rest period).

7. Keep it in Warm and Humid Conditions

The average house humidity hovers around 30-40% and these plants do best in the range of 60% and above. The best way to elevate humidity levels is to keep the pot on a pebble tray filled with water.

You can also keep the plant in the kitchen or bathroom as these places have naturally high humidity.

Tip: Humidity can also be raised with the help of humidifiers.

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