Hoya Krimson Queen is a variegated variant of Hoya Carnosa with pink, white, or creamy edges around the leaf. It looks beautiful in hanging baskets and makes for a great indoor plant. Let’s learn all about Hoya Krimson Queen Care Indoors!

Have a look at the best pictures of different types of Hoyas here

Hoya Krimson Queen Information

Hoya Krimson Queen grows new leaves in bright pink and white hues. Another variant is called the Hoya Krimson Princess, with variegated leaves in the center.

Hoya originally came from India, China, Thailand, East Asian countries, and Indonesia. These plants are famous for their waxy leaves and pretty, star-shaped fragrant blooms.

Choosing a Pot

You can grow the plant initially in a 5-8 inches pot. After a year or two, re-pot the plant in one size bigger container. Growing these plants in hanging baskets truly enhances their beauty! Just make sure they have a drainage hole at the bottom.

Propagating Hoya Krimson Queen

You can propagate Hoya Krimson Queen from divisions and stem cuttings. However, growing it from cuttings is the best and time-saving method. The best time to do it is Summer or Spring. If you live in a warm climate, you can also propagate the plant in autumn or winter.

  • Snip away a young stem of 4-6 inches diagonally, right above the node. Ensure it has at least 2-4 leaves.
  • Leave the cutting for a day to heal.
  • Dip the end in a rooting hormone.
  • That’s it! You can propagate the cutting directly in a well-draining potting mix.
  • Water well and keep the pot where it gets bright, indirect light.
  • The cutting will form roots in 2-4 weeks.
  • You can also propagate the cutting in water. Place the cutting in a vase filled with non-chlorinated water and keep it in bright indirect light.

Requirements for Growing Hoya Krimson Queen Indoors


The plant requires bright but indirect light to grow best and attain that vivid color. Ideally, an east-facing window could be a great location to place your Krimson.

Avoid putting the plant in a dark or shady corner at all costs. Also, do not expose it to the harsh afternoon sun as it will cause leaves to fade and turn yellow.


A well-draining, aerated soil mix is best for its growth. Make your own mix using vermiculite, perlite, and peat moss in an equal ratio. Alternatively, you can also use potting mixes formulated for cacti and succulents.



The plant does best in the temperature range of 60-95°F or 15-35°C. Keep it away from sudden temperature fluctuations. Also, do not keep the plant near an A/C or a heating vent.


The plant does best in the humidity of around 50-60 percent. You can keep the pot on a bowl filled with pebbles and water or use a humidifier.

Hoya Krimson Queen Care Indoors


Pests & Diseases

Spider Mites, Mealybugs, and Scale are the most common bugs you need to be careful of. Use insecticidal soap to knock them off. To keep most potential diseases at bay, avoid overwatering the plant.

Use a balanced fertilizer once in 4-5 weeks during the growth period. For dosage, refer to the instructions on the label. Also, avoid feeding the plant in winters.


Prune the stems to give them a nice and proper shape. It will also help you control the growth and keep the plant bushy. Do wear gloves while pruning the plant to protect the skin from its milky sap.


The plant produces a milky white sap that can cause drooling and vomiting if ingested. Keep it out of reach from pets and children.

Check out the most poular Hoyas varieties and species here

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