With large, exotic cut foliage, monsteras make a great impression in any space. It is not very difficult to keep this plant well-maintained and happy, but there are some common troubles to watch out for. And one of them is this Monstera Leaves Curling. Read below to find out why it happens and how to take care of it!

Here are the best types of Monstera you can grow

Reasons for Monstera Leaves Curling

1. Underwatering

Whenever you see Monstera with dry, shriveled, curling leaves, you might not be watering it enough. This is probably one of the first reasons, to begin with, and you can confirm it if the soil looks very dry. Poke your index finger in the soil to feel the moisture.

How Can You Fix Underwatering?

Water the plant thoroughly till it gushes out of the drainage hole. Make a schedule for checking up on the condition of the soil every 2-3 days.

If you are on the forgetful side, you can try putting on a reminder on the phone to set the alarm for every time you need to check on the watering schedule of your Monstera plant.

2. Low Humidity

Many tropical houseplants struggle to get enough humidity to thrive well, something that mimics the environment of the native place they belong to. Monsteras do their best with a minimum humidity level of 40-45 percent, while the ideal would be around 60 percent.

Mostly, the leaves curl up, and the edges turn brown and fall in a dry air home. It is also worth keeping in mind that some unusual Monstera species need a very high humidity level to make them look healthy and happy.

How Can You Fix Low Humidity?

One of the simplest ways to mist the plant and space around them. However, a small humidifier can resolve the issue more successfully.

You can also pair other plants to grow together to make way for a more humid microclimate because of transpiration. Using a pebble tray filled with water beneath the pot will also work well.

3. Overwatering

Though it might not look like a not-so-common cause for the leaves to curl up, it is. Overwatering and the constant soggy soil could result in root damage and eventually kill the plant.

Also, remember overwatering will cause the wilting and yellowing of leaves that look soft when touched.

How Can You Fix Overwatering?

Water the plant only when the topsoil feels dry to touch. If your plant is already suffering from overwatering symptoms, then stop watering for a while. You can also take it out from the pot to trim away the damaged roots. Re-pot it in a new container filled with a fresh potting mix.

4. Temperature Stress

High temperatures or cold drafts of air could make the leaves curl up. Avoid placing Monstera in any extreme hot or cold location or in the path of any heating or air conditioning vent. The extreme temperature change can cause a quick water loss resulting in the curling up of leaves.

How Can You Fix Temperature Stress?

In case the plant is receiving extreme heat or cold, immediately move it to a different location. Keep a close eye on the plant and balance the conditions properly.

5. Using Chlorinated Tap Water

You also need to check the quality of water. Often, tap water contains fluoride, chlorine, and excess minerals that can kill many beneficial microbes and build-up in the soil. Over the long run, this can affect the growth of the plant and can make the foliage curl.

How Can You Fix the Issue of Chlorinated Tap Water?

Avoid hard water and tap water that contains chlorine. If you’re using tap water anyway, then let it sit overnight before you use it. You can also use rain, well or RO water.

6. Pest Problem

Mealybugs, spider mites, and thrips can attack the stems and foliage of the plant, sucking away the juices. This can make the foliage curl and wilt.

It is difficult to spot spider mites as they are tiny and could easily be missed, but you will be able to spot them and other pests if you look carefully. Look for any tiny spots in yellow colors or rings forming on the leaves in an irregular way. That is one of the sure signs of pests feeding on your plant.

How Can You Fix Pests Trouble?

Whenever you spot any pest trouble, simply isolate that particular plant from the rest of your houseplants. Then, treat them with insecticidal soap, pesticide, or organic neem oil mixed with dish soap.

7. New Leaves

Whenever new leaves appear, they are usually curled up really tight before they begin to unfurl slowly. It indicates that your Monstera is happy and growing, and you shouldn’t worry about this!

8. Too Small Pot

If your Monstera is in a container that has now become small, it can make the plant use up all the water too fast and will result in curling up of leaves. This could also lead to the plant becoming quite rootbound, making it very difficult to meet its water requirements.

How Can You Fix the Issue?

If you notice roots on the topsoil and if the stems look too crowded in the pot, then it is time to re-pot the plant. Always go for a container that’s one or two sizes bigger than the old one and not more than that because growing in a bigger pot can do more damage than growing in a small pot.

9. Over-Fertilization

Excess fertilization for a long time can result in an accumulation of salts in the soil. It leads to serious damage and burning of roots, which disturbs the moisture uptake; as a result, this leads to Monstera leaves curling with brown edges and stunted growth.

How Can You Fix Over-Fertilization?

For an over-fertilized Monstera plant and curled-up leaves, flush the soil with distilled or filtered water until it starts to drain out from the bottom. Repeat this 3-4 times! But before doing this, remove the topsoil and scrap the white crust buildup, which happens due to salt residue.

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