If your question is Why My Monstera is Turning Yellow, read this all-inclusive article to discover all the possible reasons for monster leaves turning yellow and solutions to revive your plant.

Have a look at the best types of Monsteras to grow here

5. Watering Issues

Incorrect watering is one of the prime reasons for this monstera leaves turning yellow problem. Excessive moisture in the soil from overwatering will make the leaves soft, mushy and pale, which leads to root rot.

Reasons Behind Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow

Similarly, if the plant is constantly in low light, then the leaves will turn soft and pale, and plant might suffer from overwatering if it is regularly watered.

  1. Improper Light

Too much or too little light is also the reason behind the yellowing of the monstera leaves.

While the monstera plant doesn’t mind being in the sun, if the plant is exposed to the harsh sunlight for long hours, it will scorch the foliage and becomes crisp yellow.

What You’ll See: Crisp brown, yellow, burnt foliage in extreme sun. Soft and pale-yellow leaves in too much shade.

Solution: Select a location where it gets bright indirect light and several hours of mild direct light.

2. Pests and Diseases

Mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids feed on the leaves that can cause them to turn yellow.

What You’ll See: Yellow spots on leaves in a smaller area. If the infestation is large, it can make the entire leaf take a pale hue.

Solution: Mix 1/2 or 1 teaspoon of mild dish soap in a gallon of water and spray it on the affected area. If this won’t work, you always can use chemical pesticides.

3. Aging Foliage

Not all monstera leaf yellowing should concern you. Some leaves turn yellow naturally due to old age. When the plant is pushing out new growth, the lower ones start to turn yellow and fall.

This is a natural process where the plant sheds off the old leaves while focusing its energy on growing new ones.

What You’ll See: Soft pale-yellow leaves at the bottom of the plant with upper green growth.

Solution: Snip away the lower foliage using a sanitized shear.

4. Humidity and Temperature

Too much dry air indoors can also make the leaves develop yellow spots on edges or go pale. Monstera and other aroids are tropical plants that love humidity and warmer surroundings, so it is important to give them a balance of both.

Even hotter temperatures around them can cause the leaves to turn yellow. Common indoor temperature range of 60-80°F or 15-27°C is suitable for these plants with about 50-60 percent humidity levels.

What You’ll See: Yellow patches on monstera leaves and some curling as well. Pale spots on the edges of the foliage.

Solution: Mist the leaves sometimes, keep the pot on a pebble tray filled with water or use a humidifier.

In case of underwatering, you will notice brown and yellow spots on the leaves with some crispness.

What You’ll See: Pale foliage or brown spots on leaves with curling.

Solution: Water the plant only when the topsoil feels a bit dry to the touch. Do not let the growing medium dry out completely.

6. Too Much Fertilization

A clear case of excessive or absence of fertilization could also be another reason for your Monstera leaves turning yellow.

Feeding the plant too much leads to the accumulation of minerals and soluble salts in the soil, affecting the pH level. This causes wilting and yellowing of leaves.

What You’ll See: Wilting of foliage, burnt edges with pale hue.

Solution: Use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to one quarter of the recommended strength, once in 3-6 weeks, during the growing phase of the plant. Avoid feeding in winter if you live in a frost-prone area.

7. Right Container

The container also plays an essential role as it needs to have a drainage hole and must be of the right size. Too big pot contains moisture for a long time, which causes root rot.

What You’ll See: Mushy foliage with yellow spots. Half pale leaves!

Solution: Use a container with a drainage hole at the bottom. Avoid using too large pots.

8. Transplanting Shock

If you notice the yellowing of leaves right after repotting the plant, it could be because of the transplant shock.

What You’ll See: Yellow spots on the leaves of entire pale foliage along with the stems.

Solution: Avoid repotting the plant in winters. While transplanting, use a fresh and well-draining potting mix and snip away damaged roots. After transplanting, avoid keeping the plant in direct sunlight, and do not expose it to too hot or cold air.

9. Fungal Infection

The leaves will also turn pale due to a fungal infection. It may spread slowly and will leave behind yellow spots on the foliage.

What You’ll See: Black splotches or dark brown spots with a ‘halo’ or ring in yellow or cream color on the leaves.

Solution: Snip away the affected leaves to stop the infection from spreading. Avoid wetting the foliage too much.

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