Muskmelons and cantaloupes are popular fruits for summer desserts and salads. Both have a refreshing flavor and aroma. You can use them interchangeably, though muskmelons and cantaloupes are not the same. Know the difference and clear the muskmelon vs cantaloupe debate once and for all in the article below!

What is a MuskMelon

Muskmelon (Cucumis melo) is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, with a net-like, ribbed crust or peel, and sweet orange flesh. It grows well in moderate subtropical, warm climates and prefers rich, well-drained, fertilized soil.

Along with excellent taste, muskmelon also offers essential nutrients and several health benefits though it is often perplexed with other varieties of melons like cantaloupe.

Confused about the difference between Cilantro and Parsley? Click here! 

What is Cantaloupe

Also known as rockmelon in Australia, the cantaloupe (Cucumis melo cantalupensis) is a variety of muskmelon from the Cucurbitaceae family. The name was originated from Italian Cantalupo, which was formerly a papal country seat nearby Rome.

The cantaloupes have a light green, ribbed rind and sweet orange flesh.

Check out our Article on Growing Cantaloupes Vertically here! 

Difference Between MuskMelon and Cantaloupe

1. Family

Muskmelons and cantaloupes both belong to the same family of Cucurbitaceae. However, muskmelon is from the reticulatus group, whereas cantaloupe is a member of the cantalupensis group.

2. Appearance

Appearance is the key differentiating element in muskmelon vs cantaloupe. Muskmelon has tan and ribbed skin, with a sweet, musk-like taste and aroma. The flesh of the fruit has high water content and is orange in color.

On the other hand, cantaloupe features net-like, light green skin, a central seed cavity, and salmon-hued flesh. It is also sweet.

3. Smell

It will be difficult to differentiate between muskmelon and cantaloupe by taking a sniff, as both have a fresh and mild, musk-like, pleasant fragrance.

4. Flavor

Muskmelon has a sweet, musky taste and high sugar content that lingers on the tongue for long.

Fully ripen cantaloupes offer a juicy, smooth, and sweet taste. It also has a high water content, which makes you feel full after having the fruit.

5. Cuisines

You can consume both muskmelons and cantaloupes, raw or fresh, in sweet and savory preparations. Though these fruits are not appropriate for cooking purposes. You can use fresh cantaloupes or muskmelons in salads, cold or fresh desserts, and drinks.

Tip: Store the unripe fruits at room temperature. When ripe, keep the melons and cantaloupes in a refrigerator.

Also Read: Swiss Chard vs Rhubarb Difference

6. Health Benefits

Muskmelons contain high amount of vitamin C, that aids in the prevention of diseases and improve the immune system. Some varieties are rich in vitamin A, necessary for good eyesight, growth, and development.

Moreover, muskmelon also comprises of ellagic, gallic, and caffeic acid antioxidants, a compound that combats cellular damage.

On the other hand, cantaloupes contain high content of fiber, vitamins A and C. It also has fewer carbs and calories.

Muskmelon vs Cantaloupe

Technically, all cantaloupes are muskmelons, but not all muskmelons are cantaloupes. The term ‘muskmelon’ is used to describe the fruit’s sweet flavor and fragrance, which also comprises canary, honeydew, melons, and cantaloupe. However, both fruits have a subtle difference in flavor and appearance.

  • Toby Mederos
  • October 20, 2020 At 11:59 pm
  • You made some nice points there. I did a search on the subject and found most individuals will consent with your site.
  • Reply
  • Pette
  • February 22, 2021 At 5:50 am
  • You just use the word “differences” in the title. Still no information about differences between the two -melon and cantaloupe. Looks like you didn’t find info in your 5min research online so you still don’t know. But why are you making this article then? This article is just one example of how mediocre and cheep-minded people are running new-day blogs. Melon and cantaloupe. Next time do better.
  • Reply
  • Kurt MATHES
  • August 5, 2021 At 9:17 pm
  • At least the picture could have been captioned.
  • Reply
  • Rick
  • August 23, 2021 At 1:48 am
  • Interesting info, thanks!
  • Reply
  • Phillip Mossburg
  • January 14, 2022 At 6:25 am
  • Questionable article. For the full article it explains that muskmelons and cantaloupe are different, even giving their scientific names to differentiate them. Then at the end reveal that cantaloupe are actually a type of muskmelon, thus making the entire article inaccurate and pointless. If a cantaloupe is a muskmelon, then what is the muskmelon you are talking about the entire article.
  • Reply
  • Raymond Kramer
  • May 1, 2022 At 6:43 am
  • The photo above is captioned “muskmelon vs cantaloupe” whis is describing 2 melons hawever the photo shows 3 melons that are all different in appearance from each other. Then you go on to state below the caption the following: “—canary, honeydew, melons, cantaloupe. —” which is 4 different melons. The “canary” melon was never described and I can only assume the third melon in the photo is a honey dew or canary melon. finally after listing 4 different melons you go on to state the following: “— both fruits—” (2 items} apparently referring to the photo showing 3 different apearing melons is confusing to me. Also, for the sake of clarity, the melons shoud have be labled to show which is which. The above example appears to be, at leaset to me, of inconsistant logic or the lack of it.
  • Reply
  • Gardner
  • May 21, 2022 At 7:21 am
  • Just read through this article which, left me more confused than when I started. You never bridge the title, and at the end you contradicted yourself.
  • Reply
  • d spire
  • June 28, 2022 At 3:15 am
  • I read all of the above comments, My comment is FORGET ABOUT THEM AND ONLY EAT WATERMELONS !!!
  • Reply
  • FED UP
  • July 20, 2022 At 11:16 pm
  • Boy, people today will bitch about anything…!? Really, if you don’t like the dude’s article, then go to a different website… Or better yet, write the article yourselves. In the time it took yall to pick apart this person’s article & comment about everything that he supposedly done “wrong”, then yall could’ve wrote your own “CORRECT” description with very own captioned pics. Also, if yall supposedly know everything about muskmellons & cantaloupes, then what the hell are yall researching them for, then… Just to have something to bitch about, I guess…
  • Reply
  • Lovey Wisener
  • August 24, 2022 At 8:58 am
  • I grow cantaloupe for a living. There are eastern and western cantaloupes.the eastern cantaloupe more often called by people mushmelons.they are both actually cantaloupes.thereis how ever a banana musk melon.notice it is spelled with a k musk
  • Different parts of the country tend to call eastern cantaloupe mushmelons.
  • Reply

You made some nice points there. I did a search on the subject and found most individuals will consent with your site.

You just use the word “differences” in the title. Still no information about differences between the two -melon and cantaloupe. Looks like you didn’t find info in your 5min research online so you still don’t know. But why are you making this article then? This article is just one example of how mediocre and cheep-minded people are running new-day blogs. Melon and cantaloupe. Next time do better.

At least the picture could have been captioned.

Interesting info, thanks!

Questionable article. For the full article it explains that muskmelons and cantaloupe are different, even giving their scientific names to differentiate them. Then at the end reveal that cantaloupe are actually a type of muskmelon, thus making the entire article inaccurate and pointless. If a cantaloupe is a muskmelon, then what is the muskmelon you are talking about the entire article.

The photo above is captioned “muskmelon vs cantaloupe” whis is describing 2 melons hawever the photo shows 3 melons that are all different in appearance from each other. Then you go on to state below the caption the following: “—canary, honeydew, melons, cantaloupe. —” which is 4 different melons. The “canary” melon was never described and I can only assume the third melon in the photo is a honey dew or canary melon. finally after listing 4 different melons you go on to state the following: “— both fruits—” (2 items} apparently referring to the photo showing 3 different apearing melons is confusing to me. Also, for the sake of clarity, the melons shoud have be labled to show which is which. The above example appears to be, at leaset to me, of inconsistant logic or the lack of it.

Just read through this article which, left me more confused than when I started. You never bridge the title, and at the end you contradicted yourself.

I read all of the above comments, My comment is FORGET ABOUT THEM AND ONLY EAT WATERMELONS !!!

Boy, people today will bitch about anything…!? Really, if you don’t like the dude’s article, then go to a different website… Or better yet, write the article yourselves. In the time it took yall to pick apart this person’s article & comment about everything that he supposedly done “wrong”, then yall could’ve wrote your own “CORRECT” description with very own captioned pics. Also, if yall supposedly know everything about muskmellons & cantaloupes, then what the hell are yall researching them for, then… Just to have something to bitch about, I guess…

I grow cantaloupe for a living. There are eastern and western cantaloupes.the eastern cantaloupe more often called by people mushmelons.they are both actually cantaloupes.thereis how ever a banana musk melon.notice it is spelled with a k musk Different parts of the country tend to call eastern cantaloupe mushmelons.

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