Plants for East Facing Balcony

East facing balcony receives 6 to 8 hours of sun, often between 8 am. to 1 pm., the benefit of such balcony is that you can save your plants from the harsh afternoon sun.


East facing balconies are better to grow flowers that love tender sunlight. If exposure to the sun is about 6 hours, you can grow geraniums and hollyhocks. Daisies, daffodils, lilies, cosmos, and verbena are a good choice too. Pansies love these growing conditions, nemesia is one more flower that you can grow in hanging baskets. Petunias and lobelias can be grown too, except north facing balconies, which remain shady all the time, most of the flowers are common. Miniature roses can also be tried.

Some beautiful blue color flowering plants you can grow are Streptocarpus (cape primrose) and butterfly pea vine (for tropics) One more everblooming perennial is Catharanthus, it blooms in many colors, throughout the spring, summer, and fall. In warm regions, it thrives year round and likes the eastern exhibition.

Also Read: Flowers for Balcony garden


On the east facing balcony, where the sun shines from morning to early afternoon, you can grow almost all the herbs you like, in shallow but wide planters and window boxes.

Also Read: Windowsill herb garden


The main benefit of the east facing balcony is that it doesn’t receive harsh sun. Among the vegetables, it is best to grow miniature (cherry) tomatoes, garlic, green onions, peas, spinach, and other leafy greens.

Also Read: Balcony Vegetable Garden


Grow common morning glory; its blue colored large cup-shaped flowers look exquisite when open up to greet the morning sun. Other climbers you can grow are Black-eyed Susan, bleeding heart, clematis, and sweet pea vine.

Also Read: Tips for Balcony Garden


For the greenery, grow dwarf conifers, these will cover up the exposed space of your balcony and provide a fantastic look.

Plants for West Facing Balcony

West facing balcony garden is quite similar to south facing balcony, here sun shines in its peak for about 6-8 hours, and except tender shade-loving plants, you can plant almost anything.

On the west facing balcony, you can grow a lot of sun-loving Mediterranean and tropical climate container plants. A lot of planting options is available for the west facing balcony. For more info see South facing balcony garden plants.

Also Read: South Facing Balcony Plants

  • Sarah Courson

  • July 31, 2016 At 3:45 pm

  • I have a south facing balcony two blocks due east of the Atlantc.This summer’s heat has caused my geraniums to not do well.Do you thing Morning Glories will survive in hot,sunny,sometimes salty breezes on my wee balcony?Thank you.Sarah

  • Reply

  • Carrell Marcom

  • March 21, 2017 At 1:13 am

  • Sarah, as someone who planted morning glories because my Mother said her Mother loved blue morning glories. I can swear they can grow in the north, south, east or west. I didn’t have a balcony, I had a very big yard. I fought morning glories for 15 years until I sold my house. I have pictures. But they are real pictures and I don’t know how to post them. If they are your only flower on your balcony they will work just fine. Just don’t stand still very long or they will curl around your legs. Other than that they do make a showy vine. Carrelll

  • Reply

  • Maux

  • April 4, 2017 At 7:16 pm

  • Sarah, I have grown morning glories for years and years on my blazing hot balcony. They’ve done quite well except for the last 2 summers where they’ve died because, I believe that, our summers are getting much hotter and it takes a toll on the plant. In fact, this year I’m looking for a replacement for my morning glories. :-(

  • Reply

  • Kathleen

  • May 14, 2018 At 3:27 pm

  • My deck is face south west but has a top cover, so not sure about 6 hours of sun bc shade from “roof” over deck?? Same with front porch flowers.. which faces north east?

  • It’s a seashore area maybe 7 blocks from ocean and 1 block from bay.

  • Can you help with what flowers might do best.

  • Reply

  • Swapan Bhattacharya

  • August 29, 2019 At 5:25 pm

  • Hi! I live in Delhi . The temperature varies from 45 degrees in summer to 4 degrees in winter. My balcony is west facing but hardly any direct sunlight due to high rise buildings close by.

  • My problem is all my plants are dying..

  • Some grow new leaves even then die.In summer like now we have aircondtioner in the same balcony.My new hibiscus plant recently died and I am very upset.

  • Kindly help!!!

  • Reply

  • Wigburg

  • April 3, 2021 At 12:44 am

  • Don’t cut corners on cheap potting mix. If you want to see healthy growth, invest in good quality soil. And ‘feed’ your plants regularly. Liquid seaweed and fish emulsion fertilisers provide easy-to-absorb nutrients. Straw mulch is great for herbs and vegetables because it decomposes and adds organic matter.

  • Reply

  • Carrell Marcom

  • March 21, 2017 At 1:13 am

  • Sarah, as someone who planted morning glories because my Mother said her Mother loved blue morning glories. I can swear they can grow in the north, south, east or west. I didn’t have a balcony, I had a very big yard. I fought morning glories for 15 years until I sold my house. I have pictures. But they are real pictures and I don’t know how to post them. If they are your only flower on your balcony they will work just fine. Just don’t stand still very long or they will curl around your legs. Other than that they do make a showy vine. Carrelll

  • Reply

I have a south facing balcony two blocks due east of the Atlantc.This summer’s heat has caused my geraniums to not do well.Do you thing Morning Glories will survive in hot,sunny,sometimes salty breezes on my wee balcony?Thank you.Sarah

Sarah, as someone who planted morning glories because my Mother said her Mother loved blue morning glories. I can swear they can grow in the north, south, east or west. I didn’t have a balcony, I had a very big yard. I fought morning glories for 15 years until I sold my house. I have pictures. But they are real pictures and I don’t know how to post them. If they are your only flower on your balcony they will work just fine. Just don’t stand still very long or they will curl around your legs. Other than that they do make a showy vine. Carrelll

Sarah, I have grown morning glories for years and years on my blazing hot balcony. They’ve done quite well except for the last 2 summers where they’ve died because, I believe that, our summers are getting much hotter and it takes a toll on the plant. In fact, this year I’m looking for a replacement for my morning glories. :-(

My deck is face south west but has a top cover, so not sure about 6 hours of sun bc shade from “roof” over deck?? Same with front porch flowers.. which faces north east?

It’s a seashore area maybe 7 blocks from ocean and 1 block from bay.

Can you help with what flowers might do best.

Hi! I live in Delhi . The temperature varies from 45 degrees in summer to 4 degrees in winter. My balcony is west facing but hardly any direct sunlight due to high rise buildings close by. My problem is all my plants are dying.. Some grow new leaves even then die.In summer like now we have aircondtioner in the same balcony.My new hibiscus plant recently died and I am very upset. Kindly help!!!

Don’t cut corners on cheap potting mix. If you want to see healthy growth, invest in good quality soil. And ‘feed’ your plants regularly. Liquid seaweed and fish emulsion fertilisers provide easy-to-absorb nutrients. Straw mulch is great for herbs and vegetables because it decomposes and adds organic matter.

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