Propagating Succulents from Leaves is the best way to multiply these fleshy and easy-to-maintain plants! Let’s have a look at the process in detail.

Here are the best succulents you can grow from cuttings 

Points to Keep in Mind While Propagating Succulents from Leaves

1. Selection of Leaves

Select leaves that are healthy, full, and plump. Avoid leaves that are marked, torn, shriveled, or discolored.

Cut bottom leaves that are fully plump and properly grown, leaving the smaller ones on top.

2. Removing Leaves

The most crucial part of the whole process is slicing off a leaf.

  • You can cut it off using scissors or by hand.
  • Hold it gently, and snip cleanly with its base.
  • Partially damaged or torn leaves are not useful in propagation and could die without a base that attaches them to a stem.

After cutting the leaves, lay them down on a dry paper or towel in indirect sunlight. They must get dry in the cool shade and heal properly, depending on the weather and your climate.

The healing process will take 1-3 days, don’t go to the next step until the cut ends of leaves are calloused.

If you propagate directly after snipping off the leaf in the soil, it will rot before growing into a new plant. So, it is the most important step when it comes to propagating succulents from leaves!

3. Soil and Planting

  • Take a damp piece of cloth or towel and wipe the ends of the leaf to moisten it.
  • Now dip the ends in a rooting hormone. You can also use honey as a natural rooting hormone substitute.
  • Take a container and fill it up with a succulent mix. (You can prepare it by mixing sand, perlite, and potting soil). Or, you can use just coconut coir (cocopeat) to propagate succulents.
  • Lay the leaves on top of the growing medium with the ends facing up, away from the soil. Make sure your planting medium is light and doesn’t contain pre-added fertilizers.
  • After 4-5 weeks, you will notice that roots will begin to grow from the cut ends. Sprinkle some soil over the emerging roots to save them from drying. When the developing plants start to grow new leaves, you can transfer them into a new pot.

4. Location

The majority of succulents thrive well in full sun. But when you are propagating them from leaves, keep the container in indirect or partial sunlight until they develop a root system and become a plant.

5. Watering

When the leaves are becoming new plants, it is preferred to keep the soil slightly moist but not soggy. The short duration of dry soil doesn’t affect the process that much, but it is better if you keep the growing medium mildly moist.

Mist the soil using a spray bottle and avoid watering in any other way, as it can disturb and rot the developing plant.

Don’t forget to check out more ways to propagate succulents here!

Watch this Video for More Information

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