Family: Moraceae

Soil pH: Neutral, slightly acidic

Plant type: Tree, Indoor plant

Vegetation type: Perennial

Foliage Type: Evergreen

Toxicity: Its sap is toxic and causes mild skin irritation or burning sensation in eyes if it comes in contact.

Propagation: Rubber tree is commonly propagated from cuttings or air layering.

  • – Ficus elastica ‘Tineke’ with variegated green and white leaves having overtones of burgundy and red veins.
  • – Ficus elastica ‘Doescheri’: Also called “Indian Rubber Tree,” it has dark green foliage with yellow patches. Plant of this variety needs more natural light than most of the other variety.
  • – Ficus elastica ‘Black Prince’: This variety has thick dark green leathery foliage with bronze undertones and large rounded leaves.
  • -Ficus elastica ‘Decora’: This variety has thick dark green foliage.

Check out our article on see how rubber plant tree can liven up your home decor here

Rubber Tree Plant Information

Native to South-East Asia, the rubber tree grows on the edge of tropical rain forests. It can grow up to 30 m (above 100 feet) high in its native conditions. However, when you grow rubber tree indoors as a houseplant, it only grows up to 2 m (6-8 feet) tall. *You can grow rubber tree outdoors in USDA Zones 9-11.

Rubber tree plant care is easy, which makes it a very popular houseplant. It survives even in poorly lit areas, though with slow growth.

Also Read: How to Grow Fiddle Leaf Fig

Rubber Tree Plant Care and Growing Requirements


Avoid direct sunlight, especially afternoon sun. Otherwise, the leaves will eventually fall off. Place the plant on a bright and well-lit spot that receives indirect or morning sunlight.


Use well-drained quality potting mix suitable for houseplants and a container with proper drainage. Rubber tree plant care will be easy if you fulfill only these two requirements.


Ideally, the temperature that suits it best lies in a range of 59-68 F (15 to 20 C). It can withstand winter temperature down to 40 F (4 C), but the leaves may suffer.


Rubber tree prefers moderately cool, moist, and humid air. For humidity, you can use a humidifier or set it on a tray with pebbles and water.


Provide sufficient drainage to plant and avoid excess watering as it may cause root rot. Limit watering to keep the soil slightly moist and leave the surface soil to dry out between watering spells.


Fertilize the plant with all-purpose fertilizer during the growing period in spring and summer.

Pests and Diseases

The rubber plant is resistant to pest and diseases. However, if grown in poor conditions and low light pests like spider mites and mealybugs cause a problem.

Pruning Rubber Tree

Pruning rubber tree is essential if you want to keep it in a desired shape or size. You can prune the plant lightly at any time of the year but for proper pruning and trimming wait for spring. Prune your plant at the beginning of the growing season.

Also Read: 25 Indoor Plants for Kid’s Bedroom

Rubber Plant Care Tips

  • Repot the plant when it becomes root-bound. It grows quickly, and within a year, you’ll need to repot it.
  • Once the desired size is achieved, stop repotting and keep it root-bound.
  • If you’re unable to repot the plant, scrap a few inches of potting soil and replace it.
  • When fertilizing indoor plants, ensure you don’t feed them heavily. A light dose is enough.
  • Wipe and clean the leaves with a damp sponge once in a while.
  • Avoid overwatering or misting of leaves with too cold water as rubber plant loses its leaves due to overwatering or when sprayed with too cold water.

Also Read: 7 Indoor Rubber Plant Benefits

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  • [email protected] jackson
  • February 29, 2016 At 10:37 pm
  • Can an companion plant be potted with a rubber plant
  • Reply
  • Mary
  • April 29, 2016 At 8:35 am
  • My plant my plant lost all its lower leaves ,what can i do to get them back or cant i ,
  • Reply
  • Jacy
  • December 13, 2016 At 12:38 am
  • Its the “tap water. I use my “fish tank water. Go buy “tap water conditioner. (2) drops per (10) gallons. Then let it sit 4 an hour. Then its ready. My “dropping stopped after this.
  • Reply
  • Abby
  • November 6, 2018 At 8:42 pm
  • Where can you buy the decora type of this plant? I can’t find it anywhere near me!
  • Reply
  • Teresa
  • July 6, 2020 At 5:18 pm
  • I’ve just bought my rubber plant, it’s about 100cm tall and i’ve got 3 stems all in one pot. How much water do you recommend to give it each time i water it? Many thanks
  • Reply

Can an companion plant be potted with a rubber plant

  • Jacy
  • December 13, 2016 At 12:38 am
  • Its the “tap water. I use my “fish tank water. Go buy “tap water conditioner. (2) drops per (10) gallons. Then let it sit 4 an hour. Then its ready. My “dropping stopped after this.
  • Reply

My plant my plant lost all its lower leaves ,what can i do to get them back or cant i ,

Its the “tap water. I use my “fish tank water. Go buy “tap water conditioner. (2) drops per (10) gallons. Then let it sit 4 an hour. Then its ready. My “dropping stopped after this.

Where can you buy the decora type of this plant? I can’t find it anywhere near me!

I’ve just bought my rubber plant, it’s about 100cm tall and i’ve got 3 stems all in one pot. How much water do you recommend to give it each time i water it? Many thanks

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