Epipremnum aureum ‘Shangri La’ is prized for its naturally curled leaves and attractive, glossy-green foliage. This vining plant can trail beautifully to a length of 3-5 feet indoors without any problems! If you are interested to add it to your houseplant collection, then here’s all the information about Shangri La Pothos Care!

Here’s all you need to know about growing N’Joy Pothos

Shangri La Pothos

Shangri La or the Sleeping Pothos is a perennial evergreen cultivar with curled leaves. This climbing vine belongs to the aroid family and was originally bred from Golden Pothos.

Popular for its beautiful oval-shaped and curly leaves, which are also wrinkled and have a bit of white variegation, the plant is really striking to look at! It can also bear yellow to green flower spikes, but the blooming is quite rare.

Propagating Shangri La Pothos

The best way to propagate Shangri La Pothos is via stem cuttings. You can either place the cuttings in soil or water. The best time to propagate is when the weather is warm, usually during summer or spring in cold climates, when it is actively growing.

  • Choose a healthy stem and snip away a cutting of 4-6 inches. Remove all the lower foliage while keeping the upper set of leaves intact.
  • Place the cutting in a vase filled with non-chlorinated water. Make sure to change the water every 3-5 days and keep it at a place where it gets bright, indirect light. The plant will root in a few week’s time, and then you can continue to grow it in water.
  • In case you want to propagate the plant in soil, dip the cutting’s end in a rooting hormone and directly plant it in a seed starting mix or any loamy soil that is free pre-added fertilizer.
  • Water well, cover the pot using a plastic bag, or keep in a greenhouse to increase humidity. Any location with warmth and exposure to indirect bright daylight is fine.
  • You can even make a mini greenhouse or cloche to propagate its cuttings with the help of these DIY ideas here and here.

Requirements for Growing Shangri La Pothos


Though the plant is more than happy to dwell in a complete shade but to keep it healthy with a bit of white variegation on the leaves, make sure to keep it at a spot where it gets bright, indirect light.

Placing it near an east-facing window will allow it to bask in the direct morning sunlight, which is not harmful to the foliage. This will also help the plant to produce the most vibrant foliage and marbling!


Shangri La Pothos thrives best in well-draining soil. Any kind of growing medium that is on the heavier side or ones that retain a lot of water also increases the risk of waterlogging.

Do not use just garden soil to grow it; you can amend it by adding some coarse sand, compost, and cocopeat or moss. A growing medium designed for succulents and cacti, mixed with coco coir or peat moss, and aged compost or manure will work just fine as well.


Shangri La Pothos has a shallow root system, so make sure that you are not watering the plant too much, as it will invite root rot. Follow the simple rule of watering it only when the topsoil feels a bit dry to touch.

Avoid watering from the top and only pour water around the base of the plant directly.


Another crucial aspect of growing Shangri La Pothos is humidity. As a tropical plant, it loves humidity levels between 50-70 percent. Placing the pot on a pebble tray filled with water will do the trick. Misting the foliage once in 2-3 days will also work.

In case you have a dry air problem, use a humidifier to keep the levels balanced.


The most suitable temperature for the Shangri La Pothos is between 60-85 F or 15-30 C. This tropical plant prefers a moderate to warm climate close to the native habitat.

Shangri La Pothos Care


The plant is not a heavy feeder and will also do well for some time without any feed if you have used a good quality potting mix. However, you can use a balanced liquid fertilizer once in 4-7 weeks to boost its growth. Do make sure to follow the label for dosage.


Shangri La Pothos is a vining houseplant and can eventually grow longer. Prune away the dead and damaged leaves from time to time. If you want to keep it on a bushier side, then prune the stems to keep the plant small. And please remember to sterilize the tools before you trim to prevent plant diseases.

Pests and Diseases


This pothos variety is mildly toxic due to the calcium oxalate crystals. If ingested, it can cause mouth irritation. Keep the plant out of the reach of children, kittens, and puppies to be on the safe side.

Shangri La Pothos is also relatively pest and disease-free. However, improper care could make it more susceptible to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Some common bugs such as spider mites, mealybugs, and aphids could also cause some trouble. They can be handpicked or can be knocked off using a strong jet of water.

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