Making this Easter egg cactus is super easy–Get four eggs, spray paint bottles of four different colors and four seedling pots. All the supplies needed are listed below:

Also Read: Cool Succulent DIY Ideas

Required Materials

  • Eggs
  • Paint Brush
  • Pebbles
  • Seedling Pots
  • Spray Paints
  • Glue Gun
  • Hand Gloves (Optional)

Step 1. Paint the Containers

Choose spray paints of contrasting hues to color the seedling pots.

2. Paint the Eggs

As we’re imitating a cactus plant, we used the green color. You can go out of the box and paint them in unique colors. But remember, the color you’ll do should go well with pots.

Also read: How to Make Fake Plants

3. Make Patterns

Wait for a few minutes for the paint to dry out stick to eggs well and then make cool patterns. Copy these or do something new!

4. Let them Dry

Let them sit for a while until you don’t see any paint coming off from them during the touch.

5. Put Some Hot Glue on the Egg Tops

Paste some hot glue on the egg tops to add the texture on your egg cacti.

Also Read: How to Make a Minion Planter

6. Paint the Glue Tip

Paint the glue tip in vibrant red or orange color to give a cute ruby ball cactus-like appearance.

Also Read: DIY Egg Carton Uses

Your DIY Egg Cactus is ready. To learn more, watch this tutorial video!


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