Want your tomatoes to be more juicy, plump, and more in numbers! Learn all about Using Eggshells for Tomatoes for Bumper Harvest!

Here are the top secrets to grow the best tomatoes in pots

Eggshells Content

Eggshells consist of 95% calcium carbonate, 0.3 phosphorus, 0.3 magnesium, and traces of iron, manganese, zinc, potassium, copper, and sodium. According to a study conducted at the 2006 Lowa State University,  eggshells are a powerful means of reducing soil acidity.

Ground eggshells are also recorded as an organic fertilizer under USDA National Organic Program (NOP), also stated in the North Carolina Extension Gardener Handbook issued by North Carolina University.

How Eggshells Work For Bumper Harvest of Tomatoes

Eggshells act as a mineral fertilizer due to the calcium content in them. They help tomatoes in recovering from calcium deficiency. Powdered eggshells also prevent blossom end rot in tomatoes.

How to Use Eggshells for Tomatoes 

Grind six or more eggshells into a powder and add a handful or two to every planting hole before growing tomatoes. Wash the eggshells before use to avoid the danger of salmonella.

Adding Eggshells While Planting with Tomatoes

  • While planting tomatoes, add crushed eggshells to the planting holes – you can also use them in a powdered form.
  • When you transplant tomatoes, add crushed shells to the base of roots.
  • To make it more potent, you can also mix coffee grounds, compost, and worm castings to powdered eggshells.

Check out our article on excellent uses of eggshells in the garden here

Using Eggshells for Tomatoes for Bumper Harvest

1. Eggshell Tea

This organic approach has proven effects on the yield and growth of the plants. Make this recipe by taking 10-20 clean and dry eggshells. Boil in a gallon of water and let them sit for 24 hours. Strain the water, and use it around tomatoes plants when it cools down.

This magical tea will provide sufficient nutrients to your tomatoes. See the full post on eggshell tea here.

2. Mulching with Eggshells

You can mulch using eggshells around the base of the tomato plants- it not only retains the moisture but also looks like a decorative element in the garden or pot.

3. Prevent Blossom End Rot

This disease is mainly caused due to calcium deficiency in the soil. Beat this issue by adding some powdered eggshells in the hole while planting tomatoes or scatter around the base of the plant.

4. Eggshells in Compost

Adding crumbled eggshells to the compost bin neutralizes the pH level of the compost. thereby helping the soil not to turn alkaline.

5. Save the Tomatoes from Pesky Crawlers

Crumbled eggshells create an effective barrier against garden pests like slugs and snails. They do not risk themselves to the sharp serrated edges of shells. Encircle roughly crushed eggshells around the base of the plant to create a barrier.

6. Disease Free Tomatoes

Spread a handful of coarsely crushed eggshells in the bottom before planting the tomatoes. This method will give a good amount of minerals and trace elements to the tomato plant during the entire growing season, slowly and steadily.

This process also helps the tomato plants develop resistance to blossom end rot.

7. Tea Leaves and Eggshells

Brew some used tea leaves in water, strain, and wash to remove any residue. Dry the leaves by spreading them on toilet paper. Once done, add dry eggshells to it. You can then use this mixture in the planting hole as a fertlizer – It will boost the growth of tomatoes.

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