What is Almond?

Other Names in Different Countries: Almendra, Mandel, Mandorlo, Mandorla, etc.

One ounce (About 28 Grams) of almond provides:

  • 3.5 grams of Fiber
  • 6 grams of Protein
  • 14 grams of Fat (out of which 9 grams are monosaturated)
  • 2.5 grams of Carbohydrates

Mistakenly considered as a nut by many, Almond, in reality, is not a nut but a Drupe fruit, growing on Prunus dulcis tree. There are two types of Almond: Sweet almond, which is eaten raw or used in desserts like Marzipan, Pastries, etc. The other one is bitter Almond, which finds usage in the preparation of Liqueur.

The edible part of almond is actually a seed. It has an outermost covering of Exocarp, the non-edible fleshy part. Inside the Exocarp lies the woody hard shell called as Endocarp. Inside the Endocarp is where the almond is. When the fruit matures, the exocarp separates from the endocarp automatically.

Where Do Almonds Come From?

Almonds are native to Iran and later spread to South-West Europe and Northern Africa. The biggest producer of almonds in the world is the United States. It produced 46% of the total production of Almonds across the world (2.2 million tonnes) in the year 2017. After the United States, Spain is the largest producer of almonds, especially Marcona and Valencia almonds, which are used in making muffins, ice-creams, etc. Morocco ranks fifth in the world for almond production.

Want to know how cashews are grown, click here

Health Benefits of Almonds

Almonds have always been high in demand, thanks to their nutritional properties and health benefits.

  • Almonds are a rich source of minerals, fibers, and proteins, beneficial to keep your heart healthy.
  • They also have Fatty acid, Copper, Manganese, and Vitamin-E & B2, which helps in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.
  • Almonds are also low in Glycemic Index (GI)
  • Almonds are also high in calcium content, which is beneficial for bones.
  • Almond oil is known to stimulate hair growth.

How Can You Grow Almond in Your Backyard?

  • Choose a sunny spot in your yard, where plenty of direct sunlight is available.
  • As its roots spread vigorously in soil, dig a hole at least 18-24 inches deeper before planting a new plant.
  • It requires regular watering while the tree is establishing.
  • Apply Nitrogen-rich fertilizer or compost during spring.
  • The almond tree becomes dormant during winter but bears pale pink blossoms in spring, which makes it an ornamental tree as well.

Also Read: How To Grow Almonds?

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