What Are Cashews?

Cashews are seeds that grow at the base of the cashew apple on the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale). The seeds are of kidney shape, wrapped under two layers of hard crust (walls), harvested by hand. The seeds have two shells or walls; between these walls, phenolic resin urushiol exists, a toxic substance, also found in poison oak and poison ivy. It is removed during the processing. Due to this reason, you will never find them for sale in their shell form.

Here’s everything you need to know about growing a cashew tree! 

Where Do Cashews Come From?

The Portuguese colonizers were the first to export cashew nuts in Brazil in the 16th Century. They are native to the Caribbean Islands and North East Brazil. Though they are grown for commercial use in various other tropical regions of the world largely in India, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Furthermore, Ivory Coast, India, and Vietnam are the leading producers across the world.

Here’s everything you need to know about are cashews poisonous or not? 

What Do They Taste Like?

Apart from the nutritional benefits, the soft and smooth texture is buttery and sweet. The nutty flavor is quite similar to the taste of peanuts or almonds. The light yellow oil, prepared from this off-white drupe seed, is used in salad dressing.

Besides, its milk is also very popular among vegans as an alternative for regular milk. Many Asian cuisines include pureed or chopped cashew in curries and desserts. You can eat them along with other nuts or alone; in both ways, they taste exquisite.

How To Store Cashews?

When cashew seeds are not appropriately stored, they become rancid and taste bitter. Since they are rich in oil, when they come in contact with heat, air, and sunlight, they lose their taste and texture. Thus, keep them in an airtight container, and for longer use, it will be better to store them in a refrigerator.

If you want them to stay for up to one year, then put them in the freezer and bring them to room temperature before consumption, if you wish to enjoy the natural taste and texture.

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