Also Read: Ylang-Ylang here.

Ylang Ylang Plant Care+

  1. Ylang-Ylang plant does not like wet feet. It prefers well drained dry soil. When water it, check if top two inch layer of soil is dry, if it’s moist avoid watering it. The good thing about this plant is that it will tell you when it needs water by wilting.

  2. Plant it in a southern spot of you garden, Ylang-Ylang loves full sun. However, it grows in partial sun too, but blooms lesser.

3. As it is a tropical plant it requires good humidity levels to produce more aromatic flowers. If grown in humid places or greenhouse, it thrives better.

  1. Ylang-Ylang is a weak wooded tree. It can easily break in strong winds so plant it under shade of building or large tree to protect it.

5. Ylang-Ylang is only hardy to USDA zone 9-11. If you are growing it below these zones, grow its dwarf variety in container.

  1. It is a pest free plant. However, some pests like spider mites, aphids, leaf borers and flower-eating beetles might attack it. Read this article to learn how to deter these pests away from your Ylang-Ylang tree.
  • doris l kowalewski
  • August 2, 2020 At 5:40 am
  • after blooming and making seeds the branch falls off?it that normal
  • could I cut it down as the top that is always in bloom is 200 feet up.
  • Reply

after blooming and making seeds the branch falls off?it that normal could I cut it down as the top that is always in bloom is 200 feet up.

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