We have some easy tips for indoor plants that will help you to keep them thriving all year! You’ll Be Surprised to Know About These Things that Indoor Plants Love!

Here are the best indoor plants for the year 2022

You’ll Be Surprised to Know About These Things that Indoor Plants Love

1. Let them Have a Sip of Bubbly Water

The sodium content in sparkling water is the primary catalyst for vital metabolic processes. It is also rich in sodium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus, helping indoor plants to grow rapidly, boosting drought resistance.

We have a great article on the effects of carbonated water on plant growth here

2. Give them the Refreshing Green Potion

Green tea is not only good for your health but is also good for acid-loving plants. The tea leaves enhance the acidity in the soil and deliver other nutrients. Add cool, steeped tea into the soil in the same way you water the plants.

Here are the best ways to use tea for plants

3. Keep the Plants a Little Congested

The main rule of houseplant care is to re-pot when the roots are crowded. Re-potting plants like Boston fern or African violet frequently can hurt their development.

Also, plants like Christmas cactus, jade plant, peace lily, and Snake plant like to be in a root-bound state to flower.

Here are the top mistakes to avoid while re-potting houseplants

4. A Refrigerator Might Come in Handy!

Do you know that a refrigerator might come in handy for seed stratification and keeping flower bulbs? It can help imitate the chilling seeds feel outdoors during winter.

Put the seeds on a damp paper towel, place them into a zip lock bag, and keep in the refrigerator. The instructions on the seed package explain how long the seeds are required to keep cold—the duration could be from 1-3 months.

5. Let the Plants Have a Shower

Washing plants under a showerhead clears dust, debris, and pests on the foliage. Do make sure that the growing medium is not getting washed in the process.

Doing this will also ensure that the water flushes out the excess salt from the growing medium that might be due to the overfeeding.

6. Group Them Together

Grouping humidity-loving houseplants like ferns, orchids, spider and snake plant, parlor palm, nerve plant, monstera, and prayer plant will keep them happy and thriving.

You can also mist their leaves or keep them on a tray filled with pebble and water.

Here are the best ways to increase humidity for plants

7. Don’t Indulge Them

Feeding the houseplants too much won’t help them grow better. In fact, it will harm them. If you have used a good quality potting mix enriched with organic matter, you only have to feed them once or twice a year, diluted to half of its strength using a balanced liquid fertilizer.

Avoid feeding houseplants when they are not actively growing, like in winters.

8. Groom Up!

Snipping away dead and yellowing foliage from time to time helps the plant look handsome and helps it focus its energy on growing new leaves, rather than saving the old dying ones.

9. Keep them on a Pebble Tray

Keeping humidity-loving plants on a pebble tray is the best way to elevate its levels. Simply take a tray, fill it with pebbles, add water till half, and then keep the plant’s pot on top.

You can do this for plants like pothos, gardenia, parlor palm, snake plant, prayer plant, monstera, and spider plant.

Here are the best ways to increase humidity for houseplants

10. Let the Growing Medium Dry Out between Waterings

Houseplants are not generally exposed to direct sunlight and air, making the growing medium stay wet for a longer time. To ensure you don’t end up murdering your plants by overwatering, then let the topsoil dry out between watering.

Always touch the growing medium before you reach for the can to water your plants. Water only when the topsoil forms a bit of crack and feels dry to touch.

Find out everything about when to water houseplants here

11. Grow Lights!

If you have plants that require more lights indoors, then grow lights are your best option. If your house doesn’t get much sun, you can also use LED strips for plants like orchids and succulents.

If you plan to grow African violets in a dark room, then you can opt for fluorescent lights.

A Tip: Exposing plants under the regular indoor LED lights can also be helpful.

Find out Secret Tips on Raven ZZ Plant Care here

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